Benefits Of DEXA Scan at Fortified Fitness

DEXA Scan Analysis in Aledo, TX

DEXA Scan results information

Welcome to Fortified Fitness. We’re excited to offer DEXA Scans, a cutting-edge body composition analysis service, to members and non-members in Aledo, TX. As part of our commitment to offering comprehensive and innovative fitness solutions, we are excited to introduce the DEXA Scan—a state-of-the-art body composition analysis tool—to our members and the local community. 

The DEXA (Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry) Scan is more than just a tool; it’s your roadmap to a healthier, fitter you. It precisely measures your body fat percentage, lean muscle mass, and bone density. With this detailed understanding of your body’s composition, we can tailor your fitness and nutrition plans to match your unique needs, ensuring more effective results.

Whether you’re embarking on your fitness journey or looking to fine-tune your existing regimen, the DEXA Scan offers valuable insights that can guide your way to optimum health and wellness.


What is a DEXA Scan?

DEXA Scan AnalysisA DEXA (Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry) Scan is a highly accurate method of measuring body composition. It provides precise data about body fat percentage, lean muscle mass, and bone density. This information is vital to creating a personalized fitness and nutrition plan tailored to your body’s needs.

Unlike traditional body composition measurements, a DEXA Scan goes beyond simply calculating your Body Mass Index (BMI). It gives you a detailed breakdown of fat distribution across different body parts and can also detect signs of osteoporosis by measuring bone density.


Why Get a DEXA Scan at Fortified Fitness?


At Fortified Fitness, we’re committed to providing the most advanced tools and services to help our members achieve their health and fitness goals. Here’s why you should consider getting a DEXA Scan with us:

    • Precision: DEXA Scans are considered the gold standard in body composition analysis due to their high level of accuracy.
    • Comprehensive Results: Our DEXA Scan provides a complete picture of your body composition, including fat, muscle, and bone density.
    • Expert Guidance: Our trained professionals will guide you through the DEXA Scan process and help you understand your results.
    • Personalized Plans: With the detailed insights gained from your DEXA Scan, we can create a tailored fitness and nutrition plan that aligns with your body’s specific needs.
    • Progress Tracking: Regular DEXA Scans allow you to track changes in your body composition over time, helping you stay motivated and adjust your fitness plan as needed.


DEXA Scan for Residents of Aledo, TX, and Surrounding Areas


If you live in Aledo, Willow Park, Weatherford, Hudson Oaks, Benbrook, or White Settlement, our state-of-the-art DEXA Scan service is just a short drive away. We’re conveniently located in Aledo, making it easy for you to access our services.

Take the guesswork out of your fitness journey with a DEXA Scan at Fortified Fitness, the #1 fitness center in Aledo, TX. Contact us today to schedule your appointment!

Benefits of DEXA SCAN

  • Assess bone density
  • Accurately Calculate muscle mass
  • Measure the effectiveness of training
  • Determine the amount of visceral fat around internal organs
  • Measure overall body composition


Price per Session Packs
$129 4 Pack =$450