Metabolic Analysis

Benefits Of Metabolic Analysis at Fortified Fitness

Investigate how your metabolism works! If you’re dieting constantly but not getting the results you’re hoping for, metabolic analysis could be the answer to help you reach your weight loss and bod composition goals.

PNOE is a high-tech fitness test that helps you understand your health and performance limits through metabolic testing. Your metabolism isn’t just the calories you burn. It encompasses all the processes involved with turning what you eat and drink into energy. Metabolic analysis evaluates how efficiently you burn calories as energy and use oxygen both at rest and while exercising.

The PNOE provides clinically accurate metabolic testing and diet planning.

Unlock a comprehensive assessment of your health, fitness levels, breathing patterns, training zones, and more. With this valuable information, we’ll be able to design a highly effective and results-driven plan that you can use to train like an athlete to smash your personal bests, lose weight, or increase your physical endurance.


  • Identifying whether you have a fast or slow metabolism
  • Identifying the number of calories you burn at rest and when training
  • Identifying whether you are a fat burner or sugar burner at rest
  • Determine how your body prioritizes and utilizes macro nutrients
  • Learn how to optimize your metabolism


Price per Session